Augustus Cullen Law are official business members of Spinal Injuries Ireland
Medical Negligence Personal Injury

Augustus Cullen Law are official business members of Spinal Injuries Ireland

2 minute read

Augustus Cullen Law are part of the Spinal Injuries Ireland (SII) business membership program.

What is Spinal Injuries Ireland?

Founded in 1994, Spinal Injuries Ireland is the only support and service agency in Ireland for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury.

Spinal Injuries Ireland’s mission is to engage with people with a spinal cord injury (SCI), along with their family members. They address barriers to full participation in society and empower their service users to work towards achieving personal, social and vocational goals.

Why the business membership program is important

Every week, 3 people in Ireland suffer a SCI. This is a life-changing prognosis both for the individual and their families. Spinal Injuries Ireland’s Business Membership benefits SII’s service users through expert advice and information in Member’s areas of expertise.

Spinal Injuries Ireland partners with businesses in sectors including:

  • Legal Practices
  • Care services and products
  • Automotive
  • Accessibility retrofitting
  • Hospitality and tourism
  • Medical devices and Pharmaceuticals

We are pleased to be able to help ensure that Spinal Injuries Ireland service users are fully aware of their legal rights when we are asked to lend a hand.

Charitable giving and team building opportunities

As a team of solicitors dedicated to supporting our local communities, we have a strong sense of corporate social responsibility. Our unique partnership with Spinal Injuries Ireland creates opportunities for us to fundraise and grow as a team whilst championing a cause we feel strongly about.

Learn more about Spinal Injuries Ireland’s vital work

If you are interested in learning more about Spinal Injuries Ireland, including fundraising opportunities or accessing services, visit Spinal Injuries Ireland.

Learn more about Spinal Injuries Claims in Ireland

If you or a loved one suffer a spinal cord injuries and require advice, visit Spinal Injuries Claims to learn more about our services or Contact Us to speak with an expert solicitor.


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